Saturday, September 22, 2012

Listening Exercise

I sat down at a doctor’s office at St. Anthony Hospital to do my listening assignment.  At first I was a little hesitant about doing my listening assignment at a hospital, but quickly I realized that there were many sounds and things going on.  The waiting room was filled with lots of different kinds of people.  It was also very busy, which made for a lot of sounds coming from doors opening and closing and people.  I did listen intently to all the sounds, but it was hard at times to not consume my mind with what people were talking to each other about.  Especially in a hospital, many people have lots of stories to tell.  
            The sounds that really surprised me were the background noises.  I was sitting at a good distance away from the check-in desk, but I could hear very clearly the radio playing in the office.  I also realized how loudly older people talk.  These were not necessarily out of the ordinary, but they both caused me to be distracted and listen intently.
            The visuals that “went” with all of the sounds are heard were the big, heavy door open and close many times.  The sound of people flipping through magazines and newspapers.  Children being restless and fidgeting while mothers try to distract them.  The sound of the glass window at the check-in desk open and shut.  Two teenage girls listening to their iPod, but the music was so loud that I was able to hear it slightly.  The sound of people ripping out checks from their check book to pay for the appointment.  Many visuals created great sounds.

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